Phil (Tenor)

I am : Phil.

About Me: Sentimental, Moody, Helpful, Temperamental, Lazy. Currently slogging in a Exhibition/Interior/POP Design Firm. Dreams of having a little cafe that serves home cook yummy food, with a really cool live band in the hills or by the sea, composing my own tunes.

Music/Singing Experiences: I remember sitting by the radio, singing next to my siblings since I was like 5 years old. Played the cymbals in a keyboard band for 4 years in elementary school, the clarinet for about 10 yrs in Secondary School and later with National Institute of Education aka NIE. Picked up piano at age 16 but have left all these instruments learning behind for sometime. Started POP singing lessons at age 21 and later joined Sounds Easy through my "sister's" aggressive marketing.

Reasons for joining Sounds Easy : 天时,地理,人和... It just happened at the right time...

What I like about Sounds Easy: Non-Commercialised Music, A Happy Family.

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